Thursday, July 28, 2011

The so called Mind Reader

Woof! its gonna be a hell of a ride. so before we get on with track read the contents below. Just to give a clue, so you can close the tab/browser before getting bored with my stupid writing style.

Continue Reading (if you)
  • Love the spirit of magic
  • Like to learn tricks and behind the scenes
  • Know the illusionist called "Derren Brown"
  • Have access to youtube anytime without restrictions
  • Are interested in Mental magics (we are used to say Mind Reader tricks)
  • Don't hate me personally
  • Really don't understand who you are
Think before Reading (if you)
  • Don't know about "Derren Brown" (should Google it, rite [here])
  • Don't have much time to waste (like reading a boring lengthy email/article)
  • Really want to book-mark it
Go and Leave this page (if you)
  • Are not that much interested in Magic
  • Don't want to know about "Derren Brown"
  • Don't have access to youtube 
  • Are afraid of playing with Mind
  • Are afraid of dark
Okay. thanks in advance.

I gave several options before reading. Just to filter your inner, and to make sure who you are. Here we G00000OO0o. Did you count the 'O' letters in that word 'Go'. Why? go Ahead and count it. You need it for the rest of this boring collection of my stupid thoughts.

Before get in to a point like the magic tricks done by Penn & Teller [youtube], the famous ones like sawing woman in half. (if you don't know them [penn&teller]) let me get a little example; Have you ever wondered how Youtube works, a respond within less than 0.5 seconds searching after billions trillions videos from their servers. (a Geek would say that that's why they have a good practice called Indexing). How quick the response is or how fast the Google search is, even though it explained nicely here [youtube]. Doesn't matter, here comes the next question: "what is the technology or hardware?" But if you can understand that technology is developing in an accelerated manner every second by second until it reaches it's climax (Neil Tyson explains [youtube]) the concept behind the search (or any other technological process) would be easy. So for that we need to have a keen knowledge for that. Same theory goes here to catch a magic (The rivalry between two magicians, movie "The Prestige" [imdb, youtube-trailer]). Its just hunting the trick in another passion.

Derren Brown, the Mind Reader. "Can he really?", Yeah that's the question. or its just Forcing (not that old school card, word forcing). Forcing a person to do something!. "After a hypnotize?", Doesn't matter, the trick works perfectly fine among thousands of audience. Awaking dead, Talking with Spirits (Yeah, Hi5s with spirits [youtube-clip]). Okay that's "Bullshit" from the Penn & Teller point of view where Paul suggest that's "Horseshit" [imdb]. Specially the text you read so far is also "AnotherShit". Take a look at Derren's "The Messiah" [youtube-clip]. You may continue to the next part if you are interested.

You would say nice act for this [youtube] nice presentation. But that's not the whole point of Derren's tricks. They just have their own space to perform their trick without involving with audience. Just like the way this guy tries to convince he's just a jogger to the cop [youtube-clip]. But magician's are cheaters. Because they always think a step ahead than average person. But here comes extraordinary when they thinks several steps ahead. But everything is proper planning. And the trick should flow as the way it is without any interruption, mistakes or obstacles, if not this is how the result will look like [youtube].

Derren, the man who knows you mind better than you, Hm.. slogan. I really appreciate his work. Making some random person color blind [youtube]. Good job! "Then what about NLP?", (want to google it [here]) Teller talks!!!. hope you remember the count. Derren's "The System" (seek to 4.30min [youtube] or you can watch it from the beginning to see the 10 heads in-a-row coin trick). The question is whether he waste 10 hours to do that trick with 'The System' or he used a coin with Heads on both sides. Not like the modified coin bite trick from David Blaine [youtube]. Street Magic.

But the David Blaine street magic prank by ThoseLilRabbits [youtube 1,2,3]. Good for a change. He is the guy with same first name to David Copperfield and same initials to Darren Brown. We'll talk later about one of the greatest illusionists all time, Copperfield [self]. Doesn't matter if this is how leaders get inspiration [youtube-clip] being a magician is a lot more different concept. But being a person who can play with mind is something we have to dig, and you are a part of it from all the way if you didn't skip any.

Darren's Russian Roulette, this one [youtube-clip] or this one [youtube-clip] hmm, what about Penn & Tellers [youtube-clip] then David Blaine's [yotube-clip] finally [youtube]. Sorry for that if you hate loud noisy stuff. How the trick is done is not the thing we have to worry. The guy at the image is just showing off, Blaine!.

Back to the track, communication with spirits, Darren's "The Seance" [youtube-clip] (You don't have to watch more than 3mins from that video from the starting point if you are not addicted with those). You can continue watching the last part with Weegie board. If you can watch the next trick you will see the volunteer is hypnotized as usual (75% of his tricks are dealing with hypnosis). But that is so different than his famous "The BMX bicycle" force trick [youtube-clip] and its revealed at the end [youtube-clip]. Another trick with Subliminal Messaging called "Subliminal Advertising" with revealing [youtube-clip]. another [youtube-clip]. Finally from Derren's "The Gathering" [youtube 5,6] but make sure you watch the last part completely where the audience cannot recall what happened at the show as well as the street names where they headed.

Anyway back to NLP, Simple and nice one, but not from Derren [youtube].This was just for a change, lets start over with Derren's "The Seance" (the clip with the screaming boy) the final scene [youtube 5,6] if you didn't watch the whole seance series. What you saw on these clips were true, no actors, its exactly happened on that day they record it. But it is common, talking to dead, spirits. But its not just random 12 students, its a selected group of twelve students. I have seen several people doing the something in different ways, somehow talking to spirits is the thing behind every act and direct them to change any physical thing from the way it was.

Close-up magic classics, Michael Vincent [youtube-clip], Benjamin Earl [youtube-clip], Lennart Green [youtube-clip] and ..Derren's [youtube-clip] watching 4mins is enough but don't miss his dictionary trick [youtube-clip] and [youtube-clip] as well.

From Derren's "Inside Your Mind" a loser's ticket [youtube-clip].

From Derren's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" final scene with reveal [youtube 6,7,8].

[to be continued...]

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